COVID-19 Impact: Lifestyle Shift: Social distancing will be new way of life

Due to the COVID 19 Pandemic social distancing will be new way of life. Situation is not going to be normal until we have vaccine & proper medication invented to combat COVID 19 virus. We cannot continue to stay in lock down situation. Now it is a question of life vs livelihood. We have to think beyond pandemic.
Since social distancing is only way to survive from COVID 19. It is going to be new way of life. You would not shake hands with friends, colleagues. You will not hug a love ones. Now it is time to think life with social distancing.
Life is going to be changed on personal front. We have to live a discipline life. we cannot live care free life, we always have to be alert & vigilant. Wearing mask every day is compulsory now, so now it is essential to wear mask every time when you are going out to public places. I believe now you will see many designer masks roll out in market. Designer Masks will be new style status.
Maintain Personal Hygiene: Keep washing your hand whenever we come from outside.
Carrying sanitizer with you for any immediate need of sensitization.
Manage Emotional Balance
We may not meet our love ones for long due to travel restriction and social distancing. Due the principal of social distancing, social, family gathering (marriages, birthday parties etc.) may not happen for long which could emotional imbalance.
We need to learn the art of managing our emotional balance. It is a time patience & perseverance. We have to be emotionally strong to handle the situation. Eternity and spirituality would surely help you handle emotional imbalance.
It is good we are in the era of information technology and internet we have means to connect one another. Sooner or later this tough time will pass with collective effort and adopting social distancing.
Grooming Kids & Parenting:
Since kids may have to remain at home for long without school and going out to play, it could make them restless. It is time to keep them motivated for studies and constructive activities. Ensure they should not become addicted to Mobile TV ect. Inculcate habit of reading drawing books. Motivate them to learn something as hobby. It is really tough time for parents
Manage Health & Lifestyle Style:
While staying at home during lock down, sedentary life style would lead to lot of lifestyle problems like diabetes, weight gain. It is important to add exercise in your daily. Eat healthy and little less then what you consume during normal day.
Key lesson learnt from lock down is every one irrespective of boy or girl must know cooking to survive in the situation like lock down.